Last Few Days

August 10, 2010

Not sure whether the title should be last few days or few last days.

Things have changed a lot from the last time I wrote here.
I am married. I am going to leave Yahoo and join MSFT.I am planning to travel to India to checkup on Dad.I moved from Mountain view to Sunnyvale. Shared an apartment with a Chinese and an American.Moved to a different place n Sunnyvale two months back and to a new room mate, my wife.Marriage was fun, Had its good moments and bad moments like everything in life has.

There is a big flood in Pakistan and millions have been impacted. I share a special relationship with Pakistan. I hate the institution which is Pakistan but somehow feel more related to them compared to any other foreign country.
I asked B last night if India should support Pakistan to overcome this calamity , lend a helping hand or should we ignore.According to her, Pakistanis are inconsiderate and selfish.She is right, there have been innumerable instances when they conveniently forgot. I read this book “Reluctant Fundamentalist” . The implementation was different , protagonist talks to an listener who we never hear from.The author thought Indians staged the attack on the parliament. How low could this guy go?
I told B that I would like to become a strategic foreign policy analyst. She ignored me completely.She thinks she got married to a dumbo.